Thursday 20 January 2011

Update (jack)

Well, we have finished all our filming and editing now, tommorow we're just going to check the final MOV. product to see if it's all ok. Editing had gone really well and surprisingly quickly, I think we're all happy with the shots we have, the lighting and the editing, it's good that we've all had an influence in the way the story has been put together in the editing suite, everyone's had a say.There is in fact a really good shot at the end, where the camera switches to complete black just the second the door shuts, looks quite nice!

There were a few problems with the type of Editing program we were going to use. We had uploaded all of our video and put it in order on iMovie, however when we looked around the editing suite everyone else was using FinalCutPro, which looked a bit more detailed. We asked Ollie if we could switch, but there was some sort of problem with the cables and in the end we stuck with and finished the whole product on iMovie.

There were also problems with a few shots, for example if the bag was in the wrong place for continuity, or if the light was in the way. When we actually film the proper thriller opener we can film more takes of the same shot and iron out these problems.

So basically it's all going really well!! Thanks for reading,


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