Friday 28 January 2011

Hide and Seek thriller Opening (Amy Z) sorry its in deutsch as i couldn’t find it in English. Camera Work and Editing
    Birds eye view
  • There is an extreme close up of the girls eyes half close and looking quite tired, then there is a close up of her hand holding a bar, it’s fairly disorientated and weird as extreme close ups are rarely used. 
  • There is a worm’s eye view of the sky and a branch that is spinning because it’s a Point of View of the girl who is lying down spinning on a roundabout and also relates to the idea of disorientation.
  • After that there's a bird’s eye view of the girl spinning on the roundabout and a tracking shot going out until you can see the women pushing her around and this helps to establish the setting that there in a park
  • There is a mid close up of the man, women and child all smiling which is odd as it’s a thriller and might be misleading, seems too good to be true and lets the audience believe something dramatics going to happen soon.
  • When we then cut to the Kitchen scene we can see a medium long shot this is a good sized shot to have as we can see a family picture slightly out of focus, so its shallow depth of field and we can also see the women standing by the sink in focus so the audience know that’s what they should really be watching.
  • In the bedroom scene when the woman is walking around the room sutally 'trying to look for her daughter' there is a pan shot following her walking to the doors. 
  • There is also a shot reverse shot of the girl and her mum talking when there both and the bed talking to each other.
  • We cut to another room where there’s shallow depth of field the man looking into the microscope is in focus and the women who appears to be his wife is out of focus as we need to establish that she’s walked in the room but at the same time he needs to be the main focus.
  • There's a medium long shot of the women in the bath so you can see the women’s facial  
    Candles give an eerie atmosphere
    expression looking fairly upset and not everything is quite right you can also see the bath and a few candles which gives it an eerie atmosphere.
  • A medium long shot is then used where you see the man turning round and the other side of the bed and see him looking around to show the audience he's discovered his wife’s not in the bed with him.
  •  The next shot is a slight tracking shot following behind the man as he walks through the corridor, and then a long shot of the hallway and an open door as if it’s from the man’s Point of View and makes the audience think something’s wrong.
Mise en Scene 
  • There is the prop of the a china doll that the girl is holding in here hand which shows she is very attached to this doll as she has taken a china doll with her to the park which is unusual as it could 
    Doll shows attachment
     easily break in an environment like a park and on a roundabout, the roundabout is another effective prop as it helps showing the setting is in a park, the doll then appears again in the bedroom scene when her mum gives it to her to go to bed with which again is odd as a china doll is an unusual toy to sleep with and a soft toy is normally used which again shows her attachment to it.
  • In the park you can tell it is autumn as the tree in the worms eye view has no leaves on it and you can only see the branches. There are brown, crispy leaves all over the floor, and the characters are all wearing coats and long trousers to show its cold weather, this relates to the fact it’s a thriller as it’s not a lovely, bright and sunny day.
  • In the Kitchen scene we can see a family picture slightly out of focus and her standing by the sink in 
    Pills and family picture
     focus so we see her as she picks up a glass filled with red wine and then takes a pill which shouldn’t really be taken with alcohol and then once she’s taken the pill she downs the wine very fast to give the audien
    ce the impression that it is not quite a happy family as the picture suggests.
  • In the bedroom scene the women’s body language is her putting her hands on her hips and her facial expression seem confused and she’s looking around as if looking for someone and then we find out she’s playing hide and seek with her daughter with links to the title but obviously later the title relates to a much darker theme. 
  • There is a slight flashback which only lasts a millisecond which makes the audience wander what just happened and want to know how that’s going to link in, we can tell it’s a flashback as the lighting changes to a dark yellowy colour which is different to the rest of the lighting which appears to be natural light.  
    Time shows early morning
  • The man looks at a clock that displays the time as 2.06 which means it is very early in the morning and suggests the man has found it hard to sleep as might be worried about something.   
  • The non diagetic sounds at the beginning is a light sounding track, sounds like a piano which goes well with the spinning of the roundabout as it is a slow tune and the music is slow and isn’t up-tempo and it is also quite tense and builds suspense and tension. 
  • You can here it diagetic sound of the roundabout squeeking which is quite exadurated so most likely foley.
  • There is then some diagetic sounds of laughing of the girl to show she’s having fun which is odd as it’s a thriller but makes the audience think something dramatic will happen soon.
  • There is little dialogue other than a bit between the mother and daughter before the girl went to bed. 
Other things worth mentioning
  • It is not yet obvious who is the antagonist and who is the protagonist and is only discovered near the end of the film which means the audience are in the dark nearly the whole way through the film so the film is restricted narration but especially at the beginning with is good as it creates enigma and will put the audience in a state of shock by the end of the film.  

1 comment:

  1. Good Amy - you have incorporated terminology and can clearly analyse. You just have to consider your presentation - this is a wall of text - break it up and incorporate screen grabs to give it a greater blog feel - it will also make it more useful for yourself later when you refer back to it.

