Saturday 29 January 2011

Simple example of shot reverse shot (Amy Z)

This video shows a simple example example of shot reverse shot, shot reverse shot is when we have an over the shoulder shot of a character and the other character is in the shot the camera then moves (keeping to the 180 degree rule) to the an over the shoulder shot of the person who was just in focus so you can then see the person whos shoulder you just saw's face being the main focus and is then moved back again to the original shot (again keeping to the 180 degree rule). The shot reverse shot is often used to show two characters in a convosation.

This is our shot reverse shot's
This is our first part of the shot reverse shot where we see Amy O's facial expressions and see the back of my head so it is also an over the shoulder shot
This is the second part of the shot reverse shot because this time we see my facial expressions and the back of Amy O's head again also making it an over the shoulder shot.

Then we reach the final part of our shot reverse shot as we come back to Amy O's facial expression and the back of my head again so we finish with the begining shot again, and because you see the back of my head it also makes it an over the shoulder shot.

I think that our shot reverse shot was good and went well but we could have worked more on our framing in the shots as there is quite alot of spare space and the audience can see alot of pointless background such as the wire and folded up table ect and this is unnesesary as it doesnt benit our story line. Infact it probally should look something like this:

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