Thursday 27 January 2011

How It went (Amy Z)

  • I think we did the 180 degree went well as we continuesly kept the camera to the right hand side and never put it on the other side.
  • Shot reverse shot I thought was quite good as when we had diologe the camera was focused on the person talking so we could see there reactions to the other person and then we went to the next persons diologe and then back again.
  • We did have a two shot which would we all thought was fine but then Andrew said that didnt really count but we could just get away with it so that was fine.
  • What we could have possibly done was had a shot of the person who wasnt talking so we could see there reaction to what the other person is saying.
  • The match on action was a bit of a bigger issue as we shot quite a lot and then when we came back to it we forgot some of  the thing we were wearing so we couldn't continue as it wouldnt look the same so therefore we had to start again but we manged to get a lot more done the second time round which was good and helped us in the long run.
  • There was also a shot when Amy O walks through the door and the light was turned off but then when we came to editting when she walked back out of the door the light was swiched on but luckly when we watched it the whole way through we saw there was a problem and as we filmed the same shot at least 3 or 4 times each shot we did we managed to find another shot of her walking out the door with the light turned off.
  • So there was good continuity throughout the clip the bag was a good example of match on action as it seems to be in the same place the whole time even when we cut to a different shot which was good.
  • so all in all I think our pliminary went well as we didnt incounter any unsolverable problem.


  1. God Amy - try to break your writing p into smaller paragraphs. Could you illustrate any of these points with screen grabs. You clearly understand and have learnt from the experience.

  2. Get away from the "Wall of text" format. Its a blog, not an essay
