Friday 21 January 2011

Complete Preliminary (jack)


After 2 drafts we now have a final copy of our project in the saved work folder. It looks really good, although .There is now some music at the beginning, which hopefully makes it much more tense and dramatic. Really looking forward to seeing everyone else's, and also starting the actual project.

There is a WW2 bunker in a wood near my house that we are thinking of using, possibly for some sort of war thriller? These are very early stages though!


  1. Non diegetic sound

    The bunker sounds brilliant!! So many possible ways that you could incorporate that into an opening

  2. Overall guys, you will need far more detail on your future blog entries. This is rather descriptive. This is an opportunity to really show off what you knpw - analyse your work why you go along, incorporate analysis and terminology when explaining decisions made, you must have a discussion about the tasks here - the 3 editing techniques you were asked to demonstrate - show how you did it, show examples from actual films/drama, link to tutorials, and screengrab your own demonstration.

  3. Yes I have now done some example of Match on action, shot reverse shot and 180 degree rule hope there alright
    Amy Z
