Sunday 30 January 2011

The Dark Knight thriller opening (Amy Z)
Camerawork and Editing
Tracking shot to show mask, bag and car
  • The first shot is a tracking shot of the city buildings to set the scene, it gets closer into a certain building and there is an medium close up of this building windows to make the audience wander what the significance of that building is and if anythings going to happen, then suddenly one of the window smashes. 
  • It then cuts to the inside of the building and shows whats just happened so the audience are aware of how the building window smashed. 
  • After that we cut to a completely different place still in the city but this time by a road, there is another tracking shot this time of the back of a mans head, the fact we can't see his face makes the audience want to know who he is and why we can't see his face, tracks but slightly tilts down and we track to a medium long shot so we can see his bag, mask that's in his hand and his leg then a car pulls up and we see him walking into the car which makes it into long shot.
  • It cuts again to inside the building, there is a slight
Birds eye view zip wire
 tracking shot to out the broken window and then a tilt down so the audience get a feel for the height of the building at full scale.
  • Then it cuts to a birds eye view of the guys on the zip over, and again looks down at the floor at a higher angle than the previous shot to make the audience feel even nervous as they wander if there going to make it across. The camera then pans slightly to watch and follow the two guys going along the zip wire.
  • After that it cuts to the two guys landing the zip wire and landing on to the other building.
  • Cuts again to to the car that the guy got into, and there is a group shot in the car to show there is more than just one person in the car, there is shallow depth of field so the guy in the front is in focus but the things outside the car window, the guy in the back and the guy driving are out of focus so the audience watch what the guy in focus is doing.
  • You see a long shot of them getting out the car and start to run to show the audience there in a rush to get somewhere. You see them run towards a building and run to the door and open it, the next shot is of them inside the building and you see them walking through the door on the other side which shows good match on action (continuity).
  • There is a medium long shot of a man in his office and you can see in the corner of the shot you can see the 3 guys walking through the hall and knocking over the security from outside the office window. 
  • One of the guys who was on the roof is now walking through a door comes to a safe and the camera pans round from the guy to the safe so the audience can see that he's gone to a safe.
  • Then cuts again to the first floor, then back to the safe, then to the first floor picking up the pace so it is moving from one setting to the other faster each time.
  • In the shot of first floor there are many shallow depth of field shots as the antagonist guys are in focus and the background of the office setting is out of focus so the audience are mainly focusing on what the antagonist is doing. 
  • We see one of the antagonists fall to the floor a medium shot into an extreme long shot of the man from the office and we can see he's shot one of the antagonists.
  • We then cut again to the safe but the guy is joined by one of the guys who was on the first floor and there is a 2 shot, which show cross cutting as the two settings that were being shown have joined.
  • Then a long shot of a antagonist running through the open safe. have a mid close up of him taking all the money.
  • We see an extreme long shot of the antagonists being hit but a school bus that has just burst through the first floor door.
Mise en scene
  • The guy who broke the window is holding a gun to show the audience how the widow broke and he's wearing a white mask with blue and red around the eyes, the fact that he's wearing a mask and discising him face shows he doesn't want people to know who he is and is trying to hide his identity to show he's probably the antagonist and is going to do something bad.
  • When we cut to the back of the man by the road we can see he is holding a mask like the guys in the building, this is exaggerated by tracking in towards it showing that he too is an antagonist.
  • The fact they use the zip wire instead of just going into that building shows there not allowed to be there again to show that something bad is going to happen. 
  • The man in the office is surrounded by a desk, computers, telephones and paper to make it seem more office like and believable to set the scene of an office. The man in the office is wearing a white shirt and brown suit and a red tie tied neatly all the way up to show he is a business man, and he is wearing glasses that is often associated to being clever and you have to be a fairly clever person to work in an office.
  • When we see the women behind the desk her facial expression seems to be scared and her body language is taken a back to show shes in shock and is trying to edge away from him by learning back and her hands are up as if shes trying to surrender.
surrender body language
  • The man who was in the office the antagonists ran past is watching what is going on and his facial expression looks unimpressed but quite calm  in contrast to the other characters who were behind the desks who seemed very frightened and panicky and he shoots the antagonist which shows he might be the protagonist as he is trying to protect the company and his colleges but at the same time it might make the audience wander if he actually is a protagonist as we might wander what a business man is doing with a gun in his office.
  • The idea of the guns being used to show there turning against each other is used again when the antagonist who was on the first floor shoots the antagonist in the safe. once the antagonist runs through the safe he puts a lot of money in his bag, the use of the money sets up the whole storyline and the hole reasoning for why the masked antagonists have done this and why they seem to be turning against one other as the money has made then feel power and greed and brings out the main themes of the clip.
  • a yellow school bus crashes through the office door, this puts the audience in a state of shock and wander what has just happening as it is quite unusual and unexpected.
  • The lighting when the characters are outside appears to be natural light, inside the building is also very light as it gives of the idea it is a very well lit high mantince office.
  • At the begining the non diagectic sound seems to be very quiet, constant and monotone almost like a sort of beeping noise.
  • when the window smashes you can here the diagetic sound of the glass braking which is most likely foley sounds.
  • The non diagect sound then still keep the same monotone sound but has a drum beat is being overplayed with it to give it a tense atmosphere and to make the audience aware that something bad has just happened.
  • The antagonist picks up the equipent and fires the zip wire u can here every movement he makes, which is exadurated so it is foley and also diagetic.
  • When the car arrives to pick the other antagonist up we can here the diagetic sound of the wheels of the car screeching as it brakes.
  • As he gets in the car a bigger noise is being played which could be an electric guitar, to make it seem even more tense to the audience.
  • as the camera tilts down to show the height of the building from where they were there is whooshing noise to make the audience almost feel like there going to fall as it sound sort of like a non diagetic version of the wind in a way.
  • When antagonists reach half way of the zip wire there are two very loud booms in the non diagectic sounds to build to the tense atmosphere as it makes the audience know something really bad is going to happen soon and want know whats going to happen.
  • We then here the diagetic sound of crunching of the stones as they land again exaggerated to show it likely to be a foley sound.
  • We here the diagetic sound of the door opening followed by footsteps then a a few gun shots going of foley sounds as probably couldn't use a real gun.
  • You then here some diagetic sounds of screaming and shouting as people start to panic. 
  • You here the digetic sound of the drill gong through the safe again probally foley.As the drill through the safe goes through we here the diagetic sound of the spark a quick pinging noise and then the antagonist grunting as he is shot backwards by the spark. The reeling of the wheel as the safe opens.
  •  Sound of paper as he collects up the money.
  • Lastly the final crash of the of when the bus comes through the door and the sound of glass smashing.

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