Monday 31 January 2011

Chamber of serects thriller opening (Amy Z) don't know if this is really a thriller but I couldn't find anything else so this will have to do sorry.
Camerawork and Editing
Point of View
  • The first shot after the titles is pan shot of some houses to try and set the scene, it then tracks in towards a house then tracks up to the window to show that is where the main character lives.
  • It then cuts to a birds eye view of a book almost like a Point of View shot. Next we cut to an Extreme close up of the main characters glasses the fact its an extreme close up of his glasses make the audience see the reflection of the book content in his glasses. then cut back to another point of view shot of the book to emphise the fact he's looking at it and shows it is obviously very important to him. There is a mid close up of him so we can see his facial expression and the audience can see how the book has made him feel.
  • We then see Harry talking to his bird and there are mid shots of them cutting from one to the other a few time.
  • It then cuts to what appears to be downstairs and there is a shot mid close up of a cake in perfect condition and then there is a tilt up to a mid close up of the women who is making the cake to show to the audience she is probably a perfectionist and may have signs of OCD.
  • We cut to a two shot of Harry and the women, as we see Harry walk through the door and has entered the kitchen.
2 shot
  • There is slight tracking shot then a pan round so you see an over the shoulder shot, you can see Harry's shoulder and then two people.
  • It then cuts to a medium shot of Harry and it is a shallow depth of field as the women in the background is out of focus and Harry is in focus to show the audience that Harry is the one that they should focus on. 
  • There is soon a medium long shot of two males which also makes it a 2 shot. Then as they walk forwards the camera tracks back to follow them, as the boy walks away and out of th shot there is an over the shoulder shot, the shoulders of Harry and the man is a being shown. 
  • Then another 2 shot of the women and her son.
  • Then as the tracking and panning shots following the characters around. When all the characters come together except Harry there is a medium long shot, group shot.
  • Then there is a medium long shot of Harry. Then make to the group shot and the last shot of the clip is back to the medium long shot of Harry.
Mise en Scene
Lighting shows where character lives

  • The beginning of the clip is quite dark with a few hints of lights here and there to set the scene of a rows of houses, when we track in closer we can see a few houses but only ones got a light on to make it stand out and make the audience aware that that is where the main character lives.
  •  The prop of the book shows that it might be significant and important to the main character as he looks at it with care.
  •  The lighting in Harry's room although its on as seen from the tracking shot outside the window and we can also see by seeing the lamp in the corner of his desk, his room is quite dark and dingy. From what little you can see of the room it seems fairly simple as his wall colour is a dark green, he seems to have a small bed with just plain white covers a desk and a lamp and he is wearing a scruffy, faded blue jumper and scruffy brown trousers, this shows the audience he might not be allowed to have his own style to the room and does not have the money to pay for nice equipment and bright lighting.
  • This is a contrast to the kitchen scene as the lighting seems very bright and there is a nice cake that is perfect to in take and the women is wearing a nice salmon pink dress and purl necklace, her hair is neat and she has red lipstick on.
  • We can slightly see the dinner table and what we can see of it is it has a big, fancy candle stick on it, and some wine glasses.
  • Then when we first see the other two males they are sorting out one another ties and are wearing suits to show there is an important event taking place soon and also showing that other than Harry they might be the antagonists as they seem to be fairly wealthy or middle class citizens but are not sharing this wealth with Harry as they are all in nice clothing and have nice things except Harry.
contrast in costume
  • We see pictures around the rooms all of them being family pictures all smiley and cheerful and there are a few pictures of the boy that's not Harry blown up big, but none of the pictures have Harry in them. This also to show they might be the antagonists as they leave Harry out of everything and clearly forget about him.
  • The families facial expressions when talking to Harry always seem to be moody and frowns and always seem to look angry and annoyed at Harry, but appear to be nice and simile towards each other, again to show the might be the antagonists as Harry has done nothing wrong.
  • The women also seems to be wearing an apron as she has made the food to show is domestic and homely and everything has to look nice and perfect, unlike Harry's room.
  •  Harry facial expression continuously seems to be quite sad and upset throughout the clip to show that he feels like he doesn't belong and is unhappy about have to be living there.
  • The beginning is the Harry Potter theme tune which is a non diagetic sound and this carries on until we cut to the kitchen when we see a close upb of the cake when it stops. 
  • But over the top of it we can here the diagetics sounds of the paper crinkling as he turns the page in his book which could possibly be a foley sound.
  • His bird screeching and flapping which could possibly be foley sounds depending on weather or not they could get the bird to make that noise at that time. Because the bird makes a noise it makes Harry use diologe as he starts to talk to his bird which we can here clearly.
  • We then here a deep voice shouting which is slightly muffled so the audience can tell its supposed to be coming from a different room in the house.
  • When we cut to the cake and the soundtrack has stopped we here the diagetic sound of the women humming as she bakes which is a very stereotypical housewife thing to do.
  • We here the sound of a door opening as Harry enters the kitchen and then there is some more diologe.
  • As the man pats his son on the shoulder we here a patting sound and as the boy bumps into Harry we here another patting sound but this time loader and sharper to show more force, then another patting sound when the boy reaches in for the cake and his mum hits his hand to get im of all of them obviously exaggerated and therefore foley.
  • As the man calls over the rest of his family we here the footsteps of them walking towards him one of which being high heels to show the women is wearing heels again to make the audience aware that an important occasions is taking place or else she wouldnt be wearing high heels in the comfort of her own home.
  • Also as soon as he calls his family over to him another non diagetic sound picks up which is played quietly underneath the diologe and it appears to be some light violin sounds, then when they all just stare at Harry the music becomes slightly harsher violin sounds to show that they are picking on him and to make the audience aware of the tension between the family and Harry on screen. Then when we cut to Harry and here his diologe in reply to what the man has just said it cuts out so we can focus on what he's saying.
  • Then we go back to the tense music playing underneath the diologe of the man to show he's being horrible to Harry again and there is more tension starting to build between them.

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