Wednesday 5 January 2011

Research and Ideas (Jack)

Research and Ideas

  • Over the Christmas holidays I have watched a few thriller films to get some initial ideas. I thought we might be able to incorperate some of the methods used into our own thriller.

FILM 1 - The Blair Witch Project (1999)

Good Points:
  • I really liked how eerie the forest felt. It made for a very disturbing setting
  • The hand-cam effect made it so lifelike! It made you wonder if it was real or not. Could we incoperate the same idea?
  • The characters appeared completely vulnerable and isolated, set for their ultimate doom

FILM 2 - Psycho (1960)

Good Points:
  • This film always managed to keep you guessing. The twist at the end was brilliantly plotted - maybe we should do this?
  • There was a great sense of 'the unknown', the unknown location, the unknown killer etc., this made it very mysterious
  • The film incorporates aspects of other genres, such as horror - however seeing as we only have 2 minutes we should really stick completely to the Thriller genre 

FILM 3 - The Matrix (1997)

Good Points:
  • I liked the idea behind the psychology of fate. The film really plays mind-tricks with you and keeps you guessing
  • The character of Neo seemed very vulnerable but he has a real depth and is very interesting

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