Saturday 29 January 2011

Inception thriller opening (Amy Z)
Camerawork and Editting
  • Waves crashing shallow depth of feild this would slightly confused and wander why the forground waves are in focus and the backgorund waves are out of focus. 
Close up shows pain and tired
  • There is a close up of Leonardo's characters face to show his facial expression and so you can see his face is cut and he is is pain and tired.  
  • Extreme long shot of palace or temple type buliding.We then cut to inside a buliding which we assume was the palace or temple type building we saw in the pervious shot
  • The camera is placed outside the open door overlooking the inside of the room there is then a tracking shot with slowly starts to come in through the door.
  • There is shallow depth of feild when we have an over the shoulder shot of Leonard's character of his shoulder is in focus but the chinese mans out of focus but then is quickly bought into focus so we can see his reaction to Leonardo's character.
  • Leonardo's character is eatting and his head is down but as the chinese guy is talking to him he slowly looks u and the camera tilts to follow his so we can constantly see his face.
  • After an extreme close up of Leonardo's characters watch we cut to a completly new scene 
cut to new scene of explosion
where we can see an explosion take place for a few seconds with makes the audience wander why it cut to that and then cut back so quickly and what suggnificants that has to the scene thats taking place.
  •  A guy looks out his window and the next shot is looking at the explosion happening again but this time through the window as if a point of veiw shot.
  • Then the last shot is an extreme close up of someone elses watch which links to one of the pervious shots to show repetition and make the audience wander what is the significance of time.
Mise en Scene
  • There are kids in the scene which is completly out of place 
Kids out of place
and quite confusing as there are men walking round with guns and it seems to be set in china and the kids arent chinese and makes the audience wander what there doing there and will it be explained later.  
  • The room we cut to after the beach is lit by lots of lantens above which suggests the room should be brightly lit but it is actually fairly dark to give the scene a tense atmosphere.
  • There is a long dinning table which is obviously very clean as you can see the reflection from the lights above in it to show the man who owns this place is very rich and a wealthy man.
  • There is a mid close up shot of a gun and a spinning top and the subtitles read he was carrying nothing but this, meaning these props suggest importance and 
Suggnificance of props
 might be significant during the rest of the film. Then a while later there is a medium long shot of the chinese man spinning the spinning top and it spins for a while again showing importance and suggnificants.
  • We cut to the next scene which seems to be later on in the day as they have changed clothes and our both wearing suits again showing the fact the chinese guy has a lot of money and obviously alot of power to as he can afford alot of fancy suits.
  •  Leonado's character looks at his watch showing he's might be running out of time.
  • The non diagetic sound at the very begining are big and booming sounds and sound as if it may be percussion instruments like a drum and a symbol to give a tense atmosphere and create tension.
  • Then the diagetic sounds such as the waves crashing which are very likely to be foley sounds as it would be quite hard to be able to record and here the actual waves being filmed.
  • There is one of the children screaming playfully which again is probally foley as you never see the front of the children you only see the back of there head so the girl playing her probally never even screams.
  • There is some diologe at the begginging its in chinese with English subtitles but then goes into English.
  •  Then the sound of the explosion again likely to be foley
  • Then towards the end the music is  still tense but has changed to possibly some string instruments.

1 comment:

  1. break up your text more aswell - certainly better with the screengrabs
