Thursday 27 January 2011

Final Preliminary Task (jack)

Final Preliminary Task

This is our very final preliminary film. I think its fair to say that we're all quite pleased with it, we all put lots of time into both the filming and editing process and the end result is one we all can be confident with. I think the setting was perfect for such a sequence - dark and unassuming which produced quite a dark atmosphere, emphasising the hostility and lack of emotion exchanged between the two characters.

I'm glad we managed to fill the 3 main targets of the preliminary - we followed the 180 degree rule by always having the camera on the right hand side of the characters. We followed match on action by using the same clothing - and when the bag was placed down, it stays in the same place throughout the transition - and we also managed to follow a shot reverse shot of the two characters speaking to one and other.

There were problems that we encountered - I think overall the lighting could have been used more effectively to be more emotive and really differentiate the antagonist from the protagonist. I also think that by filming more shots than we did, we would have been able to fine tune some shots that weren't quite ideal. Finally I think its important that we don't rewind to view shots we have just filmed, as this can get quite confusing as to whereabouts we are on the tape. These problems can all be overcome by the use of better lighting equipment, the use of a better camera (the camera we used before captured the color really well, but we could not use these shots because everyone was wearing different clothing), and just by general practice and experience.

1 comment:

  1. Rather short guys but you do manage to have examples of shot reverse shot, Match on action and you don’t break the 180 degree rule.

    It is rather short, being around 30 seconds and therefore you only really use 2 very simplistic examples of match on action through Amy’s walking.
    Your shots are very grainy – did you check white balance? Could you have incorporated some lighting? Was your camera dodgy?
    Look carefully at your framing for the final coursework – you don’t use the frame to full effect in the S/RS sequence – you have alot of space on the right hand side as we look at it. Very important that you address this issue of framing next time.

    All the same a very good effort – well done
