Monday 28 March 2011

Reshooting (Amy Z)

• Yesterday we reshot all the bedroom shots and also some of the forest shots as well.
• We added some new shots as well so we would have lots of the same shots but at different angles to try to improve our thriller opening.
• We had to reshoot the bedroom scene anyway as all the shoot were very dark and grainy, but these shots went well as the lighting is a lot better and there are only 1 or 2 grainy shots but even they're not half as bad as they were the first time we shot them.
• All in all it was a long but successful day as we shot 60 shots through the day.
• Although we did have our fair share of problems first of all when we got into the forest the camera we were given for some reason it wouldn't record when we pressed the record button so we had to find a new camera, luckily Jacks friend who lives nearby to the forest had a camera so we got that.
• But then the battery died so we had to get some new batteries, we got a 6 pack of new batteries which all kept running out after about 1 shot but after mix and matching the batteries at least a good 10 times we finally got all the forest shots we need
• Except for the extra swing shots because when we got to where the swing was it had disappeared.
• Then when we got back to Jacks house we got some new rechargeable batteries which seemed to work well and lasted us until the end of the day, so we managed to get all the shots we wanted.

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