Wednesday 30 March 2011

Catch me if you can thriller title sequence (Amy Z)

The idea of the title sequence
• All of the title sequence is a cartoon, this makes it more interesting and exciting to watch and makes it appeal to a certain audience. Catch me if you can is known as a comical thriller so therefore the fact the title is in cartoon creates a comical and playful style.
• The cartoon character appears to go on a journey throughout the title sequence as it starts at an airport, then goes in a car journey, then seems to be on holiday, by a sun bed. Next it appears to be a hospitol/ doctors sugary, then an office, then a party, then a misterious, dark room. Until finally just taking a walk through the stars. The idea of the cartoon character going on a journey relates tov the title, catch me if you can, and suggests the character in the film might make a similar journey.
• The background colour changes thoughtout the clip, depending on where the character is for example at the beginning in the airport section the background colour is light blue as that is the colour of the sky to suggest the idea that he is on the plane, in the air, and light blue instead of dark to suggest he was traviling in the day time. Then when there's the holliday section the background colour is bright yellow and a pale orange as they are hot colours and therefore suggest it is sunny and hot, like on a holliday. The party scene is a light pink colour to suggest high class and sophitication ect.

• There are two main characters in this title sequence both men one is trying to escape and run away and one is chasing the other, relating to the title catch me if you can. This is shown by them running after eachother and is also shown in the car scene.

• The one running away achieves this by going to the different locations and dressing up in different costumes(example below)the fact he's trying to hide who he really is by changing his clothes and his identity also relates to the title catch me if you can, and suggests this might happen in the film.

The Tile
• The title is done in a simple font, it is big and put in the centre of the screen and is black over a light blue backbround to make it stand out and the word me is in a white font and as a plane flys past the word me fades away into a cloudy type style which links to the plane scene.

Clever Techniques used
• The techniques in it are really clever for example the bit in the doctors it give the impression that they're in a lift as the characters in a small box that moves up and then the background colour almost makes it seem like there's a staircase that gradually appears next to the lift.

The Cast and Crews names
• The names of the the cast and crew have lines going through all the words that have a straight lines in them for example p i d b t l n.

•The colour of the font of the names of cast and crew members are opposite colours to make sure it it stands out, for the beginning few scenes it is just black and white font as the background as it contrasts the background colours but then in the doctors scene it font colour changes to green as it compliments the box representing the lift which is green and continues to do this though the rest of the sequence.

•The scene in the office is clever as the women catoon type characters are typing on typewritters which compliments the fact that the font style of the staight letters continuing on as it looks as if that is what has been typed.

• It is also clever how the lines on the straight words is used for many purposes such as a rope for the cartoon character to slide down in order to get to the new scene. It is also used in the lift scene as it makes it seem like the lift cord. Also the type writter as shown above. Also it is used as a cord for a light to hang from.

•The names are also use for the man trying to run away from the detective to hide between and behind as if there almost part of the "set"

• The non diagetic sound is a classical style of music with consists of both wind and string instuments and maybe a keyboard too.
• It fairly quiet sounding piece as a pose to a big booming sound, to posbally suggest the idea of creeping around as the main catoon character is trying to hide for the detective, reating to the title catch me if you can.
• There is a continus repeting of a clicking type sound, when I first heard it a nearly mistook it for a shhhh sound which realates to the idea of the cartoon character having to sneak around.
• The clicking sounds work well and compliments some of the movements that take place during the sequence for example, in the airport scene the detectives head is facing the way of the escatlator then on the click he turns his head to face the other way
•This tecnique is used again in the airport scene straight after as there is a plain black rectangle facing landscape on the screen then as it clicks on the black rectangle a yellow arrow appears.
• This tecnique is used again when the lights apear but instead of with clicks it is used with the music, the fist set of 3 lights you see on the screen flash on in time to the beat of the music. Then the clicks start up again and the lights swich on and then off again in time with the clicks.
• The music uses fragmentation as it uses the same music and sund but is put in different orders, to help it compliment the actions.
• It starts of fairly calm and slow paced but then when it gets to the office scene it gradually picks up the pace and the music becomes quicker and more frantic as the detective has finally found him and is actually chasing him now. Then calms down again as it gets into the party scene as he has lost the detective again and therefore feels safe again.
• When we go to the holliday scene the music is played by a saxaphone to give it more of a relaxing, warm feel to it which compliments the fact he's on abroad.
• Then when the detective enters the party scene the music is played by a piano to give it a sophisticated party feel which compliments the fact he's at a party.

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