Wednesday 30 March 2011

Batman thriller title sequence (Amy Z)

The idea of the title sequence
• It starts of looking like it is in the clouds on a dark night then tilts and then tracks down, the fact it appears to be set on a dark night relate to the thriller theme.

• The camera tracks across a dark blue and black background the fact they are dark, dingy colours relates to the thriller theme and almost looks like it is tracking through a maze as you can see high walls that appear to be made out of concrete as it seems really gritty, the fact it seems like a maze creates the idea of being lost which adds to the thriller theme.

• This eventually tracks out and rotates around clockwise until you can see the batman logo. The fact you don’t find out until the end creates enigma.

The Cast and Crews names
• The writing is in the centre of the screen, is in capitol letter and is in bold and is bright yellow; this makes it really stand out against the dark background colours.
• All the names of the cast and crew are the same size, it is not massive but it still stands out to show the names are inportant.
• All the words describing what the people do, for example produced by, screenplay by, story by are in a slightly smaller font that the names of the cast and crew.

The Title
• The title, Batman, is in a slightly bigger font size that the names of cast and crew to show that it is the title, therefore is the most important thing.
• When it gets to the title all the gritty, concrete type walls seem to disappear and the background is just plain black to make the title stand out even more that the names of the cast and crew.

• It starts of quiet, calm and slow then when we see the title, BATMAN, the pace picks up and it becomes alot faster and more dramatic.
• Althogh the music has picked up the pace the tracking of the camera, establishing the area stays and a consistant speed that is contrapuntal to the music.
• Then when the camera tracks upwards and starts to rotate clockwise the music goes back to a steady pace again and only slightly picks up when you see the whole batman sign to create tension.
• The non diagetic sound mainly consists of percussion instruments to build up tension, but also includes a few strind instruments such as a chello which makes a deeper sound than the other string instruments again to create tension.

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