Thursday 17 February 2011

Title Sequence by Craig

We have started to think of ideas that we could use for our title sequence, the title is very important in a film and needs to be put in at the right point, with the right font and style. We are thinking that the title should be put in as the girl shuts her eyes to go to sleep, as this is the break in the sequence and would make most sense if we do use the title 'Insomnia'. We are starting to look for fonts to use, initially we are thinking that it needs to be 'dreamy' but also have a harsh effect to it, to show that it is not necessarily a good dream.

We were thinking of using:


1 comment:

  1. Now show some real research into this to provide examples and take screen grabs. This gets you high 2/low 3, but if you aspire to level 4, you need to go that extra mile and illustrate what you mean with screengrabs and examples
