Friday 11 February 2011

Thriller opening Story. (Craig)

A young woman wearing a white night dress is getting ready to go to bed, the room is poorly lit with a side lamp on providing minimal light to the room. She quickly walks out to say goodnight to her family before returning to her bed. Just as she is turning off the light she takes a sleeping pill, gets into bed and as the light goes out the screen goes black.

Suddenly, the girl wakes up, stumbling into a moonlit forest, walking bare foot across the forest floor she trips a few times and begins to quietly sing nursery rhyme songs to herself. She is in a state on confusion and is stuck in her deep sleep trance, as if she is dreaming. She continues to walk until she reaches an entrance to a bunker, she pauses quickly then approaches the long narrow corrugated tunnel. At first glance the tunnel looks unsafe, and as she crawls to sit down she looks tired and almost falls asleep, the screen once again goes black, this time followed by two quick gunshots.

1 comment:

  1. Make sure you talk to Andy or olie. There are lots of things that you can do post production with lighting, so do seek advice. You may need to have two versions of this - one emphasisng filming and lighting, the other experimenting with post production methods. Speak to them. Blog there responses and advice
