Tuesday 15 February 2011

Health and Safety (Jack)

Health and Safety

Throughout filming it might be a good idea to be considerate towards health and safety aspects. We should follow rules when we get to filming, to make sure neither us or the equipment gets hurt. Most problems arise in the forest filming scenes.

1. Say 'Lights' when Lights are turned on
We do not want anyone to suffer eye damage, and the lights are exceedingly bright, especially the LED ones. It is important that everyone knows when the lights are going to be turned on.

2. Do not climb up trees without knowing you'll be safe
We may have to climb up trees to ascertain certain shots. We will make sure our cameraman is properly supervised so that the tree is strong and sturdy, and pass the equipment up to him with a ladder only once he is safe and secure in the footholds of the tree

3. Safely hold equipment and put it in a safe place in the forest
It is very easy to lose things in the forest beneath all the leaves.

4. Do not physically force equipment to slot in or turn on
We have experienced this problem before when trying to use lighting. It is probably best not to force something to work because it may well break and end our filming

5. Watch where we are walking
There are many brambles and leaves that could cover up potential tripping opportunities in the forest. It is important to watch out for swamps or for the crater, which would both, in all seriousness, be quite easy to fall into and could cause injury

6. Hold up 'filimng signs'
It is important the general public know that we are filming. We don't want them to accidentally strafe into the shot, we don't want them accidentally knocking over and damaging equipment.

Our Warning signs for the general public, which we will use on the day of filming

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